As well as a number of private and public collections the recordings have been included within radio broadcasts, projects and exhibitions.
As long as full credit is given and relevant copyright respected, no further permissions are necessary to include the recordings within a public broadcast or exhibition.
Impossible music, Sean Williams, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, USA, 2019 (Novel – referencing remix -‘The Grand Kenotaphion’, Sean Williams)
Radiophonic spaces: Museum Tinguely, Switzerland, 2018-19; HKW, Germany, 2018; Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar, Germany, 2019
Lest we forget?, IWM North, UK, 2018-19 (referenced – soundscape)
From Silence / Grand Silence, Blue Touch Trio / UnPiano, Miasto Ogrodow, Poland; LHPK Berlin, Germany 2018; Samstag Museum of Art, Adelaide 2019 (referenced – improvisation)
The Grand Kenotaphion, Sean Williams, Digital album, released June 11 2017 (Kenotaphion -remix)
The Curves of the Needle, Baltic 39, UK, 2015
The Sensory War 1914-2014, Manchester Art Gallery, UK, 2014-2015
Sounds like Silence Cage/4’33″/Silence, HMKV, Germany, 2012-2013
Several Silences Konxville Museum of Art, USA, 2012
The present is a point just past – Stephen Lawrence Galley, London, UK, 2012
Fourth Plinth – One and Other, Duncan Barron, London, 2009
Several Silences The Renaissance Society, Uni of Chicago, USA, 2009
Invisible Mend, Lounge Gallery/Lux, London, 2007
Horsturze, Germany, Claudia Benthien, 2005
Afterlife, The Bowes Museum, UK, 2004
Band Wagon Jumping, Norwich Gallery, UK, 2003
BASICS, Kunsthalie, Bern, 2002
The Women in Black Art Project 2002, Washington DC, USA, 2002
No timewasters, The Zandra Rhodes Gallery, UK, 2002